Our Program

Our fundraising program is simple and effective…and we’re here to help!

That’s a Wrap will assist you from start to finish to insure an easy and successful fundraiser

The program is very quick and easy way for organizations to raise money with these 4 easy steps:

4 easy steps



Contact us with your plans to begin a fundraiser so we can discuss your fundraising goals, dates of the sale and pick-up or delivery details.


Meet with the members of your group to explain the program and distribute the sales tracking sheets from the Leader Toolkit.


Members take pre-orders for the cookie boxes during the set sale dates. The boxes are sold for $26.00 per box. The boxes are sold to your organization for $20.00 per box so you profit $6.00 on each box sold!


Cookie boxes are ready on the set pick-up date and members distribute the boxes.

Cookie Box Fundraiser deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Fundraiser totals are needed 2 weeks before the delivery date. All dates will be setup when the fundraiser is scheduled.